Take Two: Weekly Round-Up #2

Week Two, in review!

leveled up style | Take Two: Weekly Review #2

Day 9: Put a Belt On It

Day 10: Reruns

Day 11: Fandom Formula

Day 12: Kinda Dressed Up

Day 13: An Old Standby

Day 14: Pin-spired

I think my favorites from this week were #10 & #11, though I’m also a fan of #9 and #12.  What about you?

Linking up with:

What I Wore ~ The Pleated Poppy

5 thoughts on “Take Two: Weekly Round-Up #2

  1. mtsedwards says:

    Egads, this is a tough week, woman. I love all these looks because they all speak to my aesthetic, especially the ones with pattern. I am so partial to pattern, mixed or otherwise. But if I had to narrow it down, I’m loving #9 for the pop of color and #13 for those striped leggings. Awesomesauce.


    • Thank you!!!

      Hey I wanted to warn you: I’m going to be MIA from Sunday-Wednesday of next week – actually going to a place with NO INTERNET SERVICE – not even cell phone! My parents are angels for watching the kids so the husband and I get to to to a spa getaway. SO EXCITED.

      Why you care: I am so not on top of it enough to schedule a TARDIS Tuesday post in advance for next week (if you saw my to-do list you would laugh and then cry and then maybe laugh again). So, if you start the link-up next week, I’ll be late, but I WILL be there! 😀


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